
Birmingham's Texting Driver Accident Lawyer

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Texting Driver Accident Lawyer in Birmingham

Texting is an unfortunately common negligent act committed while behind the wheel. It is a form of distracted driving, which caused an average of nine deaths and 1,000 injuries per day in 2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident due to a driver that was texting, speak to a highly-qualified texting while driving accident lawyer at Ifediba Law Group, P.C. today.

We have successfully recovered compensation for thousands of clients for their medical bills, lost time from work, and the pain and suffering they’ve endured. We do not charge a fee unless we win your case. Fill out our online contact form or call (205) 933-1515 today.

Texting and Driving Accident Statistics for 2018

  • Texting while driving increases the chance of an accident by 23 times, even if it’s an accident caused by another driver.
  • Texting while driving causes 6 times as many accidents than drunk driving.
  • Each day, 11 teens die as a result of texting and driving.
  • A single text distracts a person for an average of 5 seconds, during which time a car going 55 mph will travel the length of a football field.
  • Texting while driving results in 400% more time with a driver’s eyes off the road.
  • Using a cell phone while driving caused an estimated 1.5 million car accidents in the U.S. in 2017 according to the National Safety Council.
  • The U.S. Department of Transportation reported that cell phone use while driving kills 3-000 to 6,000 people every year.
  • Texting while driving is a contributing cause in 25% of all car accidents – resulting in almost 400,000 physical injuries.
  • 87% of drivers view texting and driving as the most significant hazard on the road. In fact, drivers are more concerned about texting / distracted driving than they are about drunk driving.

How a Texting Driver Accident Lawyer Can Help

An experienced texting driver accident lawyer can help you after you’ve suffered an injury by first explaining your options and by helping you understand the value of your claim. The assistance of a lawyer can improve your chances of maximizing your claim and help you avoid being pressured into settling for less than you may rightfully deserve. The following will be completed on your behalf by a qualified lawyer:

  • Investigate all contributing factors to the accident.
  • Determine all liable parties.
  • Deal with insurance company adjusters.
  • Estimate future accident-related expenses and medical costs.
  • Deal with debt collectors or hospitals harassing you about medical bills.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company.

A Birmingham personal injury lawyer will relieve you of the stress that comes after an accident so that you may focus on recovering and getting back to your normal day to day life.

Contact Us Today

Ifediba Law Group, P.C. is here to help you obtain the justice you deserve after you are injured in a texting driver accident. We will not charge you a dime unless we win your case. Freely discuss your options with a highly experienced and knowledgeable lawyer in Birmingham today by calling (205) 933-1515.



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