
Birmingham Car Accident Lawyers

Consult Now If You are A victim!
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Birmingham’s Most Experienced Car Accident Lawyers

Car accidents claimed the lives of 40,100 Americans in 2017, as stated in the preliminary estimates reported by the National Safety Council. Losing a loved one is devastating, especially when it is unexpectedly caused by a car accident that possibly could have been prevented. In most cases, fatal car accidents occur due to negligent mistakes made by drivers. Birmingham fatal car accident lawyers will protect your legal rights and secure your fair compensation.

If you have lost someone you love in a car or truck accident due to negligence, when you feel able, consult with one of our experienced and dedicated Birmingham fatal car accidents lawyers at Ifediba Law Group, P.C.. We can advise you on your legal rights and how your loved one’s estate representative may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim in Alabama.

U.S. Fatal Car Accident Statistics

The latest fatal car accident data, given by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for 2016, shows that:

  • Distraction-related deaths decreased by 2.2%. (3,450 fatalities)
  • Drowsy-driving deaths decreased by 3.5%. (803 fatalities)
  • Drunk-driving deaths increased by 1.7%. (10,497 fatalities)
  • Speeding-related deaths increased by 4%. (10,111 fatalities)
  • Unbelted deaths increased by 4.6%. (10,428 fatalities)
  • Motorcyclist deaths increased by 5.1%. (5,286 fatalities – the largest number of motorcyclist fatalities since 2008)
  • Pedestrian deaths increased by 9%. (5,987 fatalities – the highest number since 1990)
  • Bicyclist deaths increased by 1.3%. (840 fatalities – the highest number since 1991)

Fatal Car Accidents by Vehicle Type in 2016

Vehicle Type Number %
Car 398 38
Pickup and SUV 356 34
Large truck 32 3
Motorcyclists 102 10
Pedestrians 111 11
Bicyclists 2 0
Total 1,038 100

*Data courtesy of the NHTSA.

Contact Us Today

Our respectful and compassionate Birmingham personal injury attorneys at Ifediba Law Group, P.C. are highly experienced litigators in the field of wrongful death. We will protect your legal rights and advocate for you during this time of grief. Call today for a free case evaluation.



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