
Defective Drug Lawyers

Defective drug lawyers require going after pharmaceutical giants. Millions of Americans manage and better their daily lives with the use of pharmaceutical drugs. The last thing that would be expected, would be for those lives to be put at risk due to a defective drug. If you or a loved one has experienced harmful effects due to a defective drug, you may be entitled to compensation. Speak to a highly qualified defective drug lawyer at Ifediba Law Group, P.C.. today. Our Firm has more than 20 years of experience in law practice and we have the necessary resources to take on the pharmaceutical companies. Call to schedule a free consultation today to discuss your legal options.

  • We are a full-service firm, handling any and all matters related to your case. This includes disability, employment issues, and health insurance delays.
  • We are dedicated to being fantastic communicators with our clients. We return all of your calls and emails in a timely fashion, and we strive to keep you informed of your case status at all times.
  • We believe in building relationships with our clients and we commit ourselves to providing personalized, client-centered services.
  • We have a significant amount of experience with defective drug cases, giving us the knowledge and expertise necessary to handle the complex issues that come along with them.

What Is a Defective Drug?

A defective drug is a properly tested and researched FDA-approved drug that, during its formulation, storage, or it’s distribution, becomes altered and potentially dangerous.

Types of Defective Drug Claims

A defective drug is a properly tested and researched FDA-approved drug that, during its formulation, storage, or it’s distribution, becomes altered and potentially dangerous. Types of defective drug claims are based on one of the following stages of distribution, in which an error occurred:
  • Design error. Drug inherently flawed and causes dangerous side effects, although manufactured correctly.
  • Manufacturing error. Error occurs while the drug is being created.
  • Marketing error. Failing to warn against possible negative side effects, missing or incorrect label on medication.
Examples of how drugs could be altered and become defective, include:
  • Either too much or too little of an active ingredient is added by a lab worker.
  • A lack of communication between a research & development team and a lab, resulting in a batch of medication being incorrectly formulated.
  • Improper storage, such as excessive heat or humidity during its transport or storage.
If a drug is discovered to be defective, the manufacturer may be liable for any resulting harm, even if they were unaware of any possible danger.

Potential Defendants in a Defective Drug Claim


Typically a large company, which can be a positive thing when it comes to a settlement offer, but also potentially negative due to their ability to retain a top-rated legal team.


Any laboratory involved in the testing of a defective drug.


A drug company’s pharmaceutical sales representative may be liable for recommending a defective drug to doctors.


Prescribing doctors may be held responsible for injuries caused by a defective drug. Failing to warn about potential side effects or failing to provide instructions for the proper use of the drug can also make them liable.


Any company, such as a hospital or a clinic, that administered the drug to patients.


The pharmacy that dispenses the drug and the pharmacist’s counseling regarding the use of the defective drug.

Any company or individual involved in the path a defective drug takes from the manufacturer to the consumer can be a potential defendant in a defective drug claim.

Contact Us Today

Cases involving defective drugs can be complex, requiring extensive testing and investigating, all while preparing to battle against a pharmaceutical giant. Our defective drug lawyers at Ifediba Law Group, P.C. have considerable resources and will invest them into constructing the strongest possible case for you. We will aggressively protect your rights while pursuing the compensation you justly deserve. Call today to schedule a free case evaluation. Click here to read more about Animal Bites Attorney service. 



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